And then she asked why, if I believe nothing happens by accident, should we try to save dying people? Why should we try to heal people? Maybe they are meant to die or be sick. If they are sick and are they are meant to recover, they will. If they are sick later, and they are meant to die, there would be nothing we could do about it. I didn't known what to answer.
Later, at home, I thought a lot about that. When I was meditating, I centred myself on that. After repeating to myself several times "there is no ignorance, there is knowledge", my inner self spoke to me: "the knowledge you seek is already inside of you".
So I started searching the answer inside of me. I tried to discover my true motives, why did I believe that being a doctor was a meaningful job. And then, the answer came to me.
Why do I want to help sick people? Because if they are meant to live, I can help them by making them recover quicker. And if they are meant to die, I can help them with they journey by making they die in the most peaceful and painless way it's possible. And I can prevent people from being sick, too, with investigation, and make more effective drugs to heal the sick ones. Maybe the Force writes our destiny, but as we are the Force, in the end it is us who write our destiny,
This may seem silly to you, but it has been very important for me. We need a purpose if we want to life a good life. Without purpose, we are nothing.
I also learned a lot of First Aid techniques today in an activity organized by my town. I learned, too, a lot of things about traditional Buddhist medicine thanks to a Buddhist friend, some new meditation techniques, and that a new planet which could be the home of life forms had been discovered. So I can say today has been a day full of knowledge
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